Flong Rules (3v3)
The objective of the game is to hit the last cup with a shot and for your team's flipper to win the flip at the same time.
To play Pro Beer Pong, you will need 1 official Pro Beer Sports table, 22 official cups, 2 official balls, 1 pitcher of water, and at least 4 unopened 12 oz beers.
The official Pro Beer Sports table dimensions are 8’ (length) x 2’ (width) x 2.5’ (height).
The official Pro Beer Sports cups are 22 oz fluted stadium cups.
The official Pro Beer Sports balls are 3-Star table tennis balls.
With 20 cups, make two 10 cup pyramid on both short ends of the table. Each cup pyramid needs to have four cups in the back row that are touching the edge of the table. Each pyramid must align with the center of the table as much as possible. Once the cups are in place, pour the pitcher of water evenly amongst all 20 cups.
Pro Beer Sports tables are naturally broken into 4 quadrants by the table folds. Place 1 empty cup in the two middle quadrants. Each team must decide who will be the two shooters and who will be the one flipper. Each flipper will stand to the left of their shooting teammates. Players must flip in the middle quadrant closest to your team. Each flipper has one empty cup on the table in front of them. Before the game and after each round of flipping, pour about 2 ounces of beer in each empty flip cup.
Who goes first:
First shots are determined by each team’s flipper picking up their cup, touching it back down against the table, touching both cups together in a cheering motion, then back down against the table. This is commonly referred to as “Down, Up, Down”. Once the last “down” in “Down, Up, Down” is completed, both flippers may begin drinking. The player quickly drinks the beer in the cup then places the cup upright hanging slightly off the table. The player must flip the now empty cup until it rests upside-down on the table. The player who successfully flips their cup first wins first shot for their team.
The two shooting players on the same team stand behind the table by one of the cup pyramids. Teams will take turns shooting pong balls at the cup pyramid on the other side of the table. Each team shoots 2 balls, one by each teammate. Whenever a ball goes into a cup, that cup is removed from the game and both team’s flippers immediately pick up their cups, drink their beer, and begin flipping. Whichever team loses the flip must pick a cup to remove from the game. Every cup can be removed from losing a flip but the last cup.
Because every shot could be a potential flipping situation, it is the shooting team’s responsibility to not shoot until beer has been poured into the flipping cups.
At certain points in the game, the cups may be rearranged again. This is known as a “rerack”. A rerack happens when a shooting team rearrange how their cups are before they shoot at them. Each team can call 2 reracks during the game. A rerack must be called before any shots and must have 6 cups or less left to hit. Teams can call any rack that wouldn’t put cups any farther than the tip cup of the opening pyramid.
The first team to hit the last cup and win the ensuing flip off win the game.
Special Rules:
A shooter may permanently switch with their team’s flipper when their team has 5 or less cups. This can only happen once per game per team.
After a shooter hits 2 cups in consecutive throws, they may announce they are “heating up” to the other team. They must make it known to the other team so they are aware. If they hit the 3rd consecutive cup after calling “heating up”, they are now “on fire” and get to shoot until they miss.
Players may bounce the ball off the table instead of shooting. A bounce shot counts for 2 cups. If a bounce shot is successfully made into a live cup they must also remove another cup. Players on the other team may defend against a bounce shot with a swat or by grabbing the ball once it bounces off the table.
Each player has 1 “Island” shot call that counts for 2 cups if successful. An “Island” cup is a single cup with no other cups adjacent or touching it. When a player uses their Island shot, they must clearly announce and make the other team aware that they are using their call and which cup they are aiming for. If successful in calling and hitting the Island shot they must also remove another cup. If successful in calling and hitting the Island shot with a bounce shot they must also remove 2 more cups. If you hit any other cup but the called cup during an Island shot, it doesn’t count.
When shooting, both feet must be touching the ground, your body and clothes can’t move the cups or table in front of you, and your hand can’t cross the halfway point of the table.
If both teammates successfully hit a cup in the same round, they may each shoot one additional ball. This can repeat until one teammate misses.
If you knock over your own cups, those count as hit cups and they are removed from the game.
The cup is not considered successfully flipped unless 100% of the rim of the cup is in complete contact with the table top unassisted. If the cup is wobbling, it is not considered settled or successfully flipped. If the rim of the cup is 100% in contact with the table top but still sliding on the table, that is considered settled and is successfully flipped. If the cup meets all the previous requirements but is hanging partially off the table, that is considered settled and successfully flipped.
Players may not use their hands to assist a cup to land or settle. Even if it is “close”, if their hands touch the cup to help it settle, it doesn’t count.
Intentionally knocking away player’s cups or touching other player’s cups at all is illegal and can result in a loss for that flip or game.
Judgement Rulings:
If any player is seen to be spilling excessive amounts of beer while flipping in Flong, the refs may count that round as a loss.
Sometimes it is impossible to tell which cup landed first. If a ref cannot make a decision, then the players with the disputed cups will do a 1v1 flip off (“Down, Up, Down”) to determine the round winner.
Can I grab balls that hit a cup, bounce into the air, and then might fall into another cup?
Yes! Once the player’s shot has hit a live cup, you may grab the ball out of the air. If you touch the ball over the table and it goes into a cup that will still count, so be careful. For example, if you try to slap away their ball as it is bouncing over the cups, you may accidentally hit it inside a cup instead and it now counts as a hit.
What happens if a player shoots before/during their rerack?
As a general rule, any shot you take counts. If you shoot before you call your rerack or before the other team positions it, that shot counts whether it is a hit or miss. If you shoot while the team is performing the rerack and it hits their hands/arms, that counts as a miss even if it goes in a cup.
What happens if my cup falls off the table?
If a flipper manages to flip their cup off the table, the round continues. It is the responsibility of the flipper to maintain control of their cup. Fellow team members active in the current game can assist in retrieving the lost cup. They may not interfere with the table or other teams in play or it will result in a loss for that round.
What happens if my ball goes in then out of the cup?
If a ball goes into a live cup, the flippers should immediately flip. Sometimes it may be spinning around the rim of the cup. If the ball spins around and flies out of the cup, any flips do not count.
What happens if someone drinks their cup too soon?
If a player drinks their beer before the shot is made, that is a loss for that round.
Can you hold your cup while you wait your turn?
Cups not being flipped must remain untouched until it your turn. If you accidentally pick a cup up early or out of turn, you must set it back down and pick it up before you can drink it and start flipping.
Are distractions allowed?
Respectful distractions are allowed, but not over the cups or table. You cannot touch opposing players or their cups. All players must also always remain on their side of the table during a game. You may not blow or try to generate wind in any way towards the table, cups, or players as a distraction. You may not try to shake the ground or table as a distraction. Personal insults will not be tolerated, be more creative.